Lead Funnels: Sorting Lead Funnels for More Sales

Francesco Gatti
August 21, 2024

Lead funnels are a fundamental aspect of any successful sales and marketing strategy. By effectively guiding potential customers from their first point of contact with your brand through to a final purchase decision, these funnels play a critical role in converting leads into valuable customers. 

However, simply having a lead funnel in place isn't enough. The real power lies in sorting these funnels to ensure that each lead is approached with the most suitable strategy based on their specific characteristics and stage in the buying process.

In this context, companies like Opensend can provide tailored solutions that enhance the efficiency of these processes through targeted email marketing campaigns designed to engage highly interested customers. 

Let’s explore lead funnels from top to bottom and see how Opensend can help businesses optimize funnels to their advantage. 

What Are Lead Funnels?

A lead funnel, also known as a sales funnel, is a model that illustrates the journey of potential customers from their initial awareness of a product or service to the point they make a purchase decision. 

It's depicted as a funnel because as potential customers pass through each stage — awareness, consideration, interest, decision, and action — the number of continuing leads decreases, narrowing down to those most likely to convert.

The top of the funnel (TOFU) involves generating awareness. At this stage, potential leads are drawn in through various marketing strategies such as content marketing, social media posts, or online advertisements. As leads move deeper into the funnel, marketing efforts become more targeted. 

The middle of the funnel (MOFU) focuses on nurturing the relationship by educating and engaging leads through personalized emails, targeted content, and direct interactions. Finally, the bottom of the funnel (BOFU) is where the conversion happens; strategies here include offering free trials, product demos, or compelling offers that prompt the lead to make a purchase.

Understanding the structure and function of lead funnels is crucial because it helps businesses create more effective marketing strategies that are tailored to guide potential customers through these stages efficiently, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

Why Is Sorting Lead Funnels Important?

Sorting lead funnels is critical to maximizing the effectiveness of a business's marketing and sales efforts. By categorizing leads based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, and engagement level, companies can tailor their approaches to match different groups' specific needs and potentials. 

This targeted strategy ensures resources are not wasted on unqualified or uninterested leads, thereby improving the efficiency of the sales process. Well-sorted lead funnels allow marketers to deliver personalized messages that resonate more deeply with each segment. For example, a lead who has repeatedly visited a product page may receive a different message from someone who has only signed up for a newsletter. 

Additionally, sorting helps prioritize leads more likely to convert, ensuring that sales teams focus their efforts where they are most likely to yield results. This enhances the likelihood of conversion and helps optimize the customer journey, making it smoother and more aligned with user expectations and needs.

What Are the Strategies for Sorting Lead Funnels?

Effective sorting of lead funnels involves a variety of strategies that can be tailored to the specific dynamics of the business and its customers. 

Here are some of the key methods used:


Sorting leads based on demographic information, such as age, gender, location, and income, can help tailor marketing messages and offers to fit the cultural and economic context of the target audience.

Customer Behavior

Analyzing how customers interact with your website or product — what pages they visit, what content they download, and their purchase history — can indicate their interests and where they are in the buying process.

Lead Source

Different sources may indicate different levels of readiness to buy or interest. For instance, leads from a webinar might be more educated about the product than those from a generic Facebook ad.

Sales Stage

Leads can be segmented based on the stages of your sales funnel they are currently in. This allows for more specific nurturing efforts, such as providing detailed product information to those in the consideration stage versus a demo for those in the decision stage.

Purchase History

Previous purchases can provide valuable insights into a lead's preferences and potential upsell opportunities. Those with a history of frequent purchases might be approached with premium offers, while first-time buyers might need more nurturing.

Lead Score

Assigning a numerical value to each lead based on their engagement level and likelihood to buy can help prioritize sales efforts toward those most likely to convert soon.


Beyond basic demographics, leads can be segmented into more nuanced groups based on factors like professional industry, role in the company, or specific interests indicated through interactions with your content.

Lead Qualification

This involves assessing whether the leads meet certain criteria that make them a good fit for your product or service, ensuring sales efforts are concentrated on the most promising leads.

Lead Nurturing

Tailoring the nurturing process to different segments can significantly increase the chances of conversion using customized emails, targeted offers, and relevant content.


Sorting leads based on their purchasing intent, discerned through their actions or the specificity of their inquiries, allows for very targeted communication.

Interaction Frequency

Monitoring how often a lead interacts with your brand can guide the intensity of follow-up communications, with more active leads receiving more frequent contact.

Implementing these strategies helps create a more organized and effective lead management process that significantly enhances the potential for sales and ensures a more personalized customer experience.

What Are the Common Mistakes To Avoid When Sorting Lead Funnels?

Effective sorting of lead funnels is crucial, but several common mistakes can derail these efforts. One major error is neglecting to define or implement clear lead-scoring criteria, which can lead to wasted resources. 

Another frequent oversight is relying solely on demographics to segment leads. While useful, more than demographics is needed to capture the full complexity of a lead's behavior or specific needs, potentially causing marketers to overlook highly interested prospects who don't fit traditional profiles.

Additionally, failing to segment leads properly can lead to generic marketing efforts that fail to engage any specific audience effectively. Similarly, overlooking the quality of leads — focusing on quantity over the likelihood of conversion — can dilute the effectiveness of sales initiatives. 

Finally, inadequate nurturing of leads through tailored communications and engagement strategies often results in lower conversion rates, highlighting the importance of a well-thought-out nurturing process that evolves based on lead feedback and interaction.

How Do You Measure the Success of Your Lead Funnels?

Effectively measuring the success of lead funnels involves tracking several key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge efficiency and effectiveness. 

Key metrics include the conversion rate, which reveals the percentage of leads turning into customers, highlighting the overall success of the funnel. Cost per lead (CPL) and customer acquisition cost (CAC) provide insights into the financial efficiency of lead generation and customer acquisition efforts.

The lead-to-customer ratio helps determine the effectiveness of conversion processes, while time-to-conversion pinpoints potential delays in the sales cycle. Customer lifetime value (CLV or CLTV) offers a projection of the revenue a customer will bring over their relationship with the company, indicating the long-term impact of lead conversion.

Digital engagement metrics, such as bounce rate and email open and click-through rates (CTR), assess the quality of online content and communication effectiveness. Lastly, return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS) measure the profitability and effectiveness of the marketing efforts.

Why Should You Choose Opensend for Your Email Marketing Needs?

Opensend is an ideal partner for your email marketing strategies, particularly when sorting and managing lead funnels. The platform excels in engaging customers who have demonstrated a clear intent to purchase, which can significantly enhance the efficacy of marketing campaigns. 

Moreover, Opensend offers diverse channels beyond just email, including programmatic advertising, revival campaigns, and even postal communications, broadening your marketing efforts' scope and reach. This multifaceted approach allows for a more robust engagement strategy, ensuring potential customers receive the right message through the most effective medium at the optimal time. 

The emphasis on intent-based marketing and customer engagement through Opensend can lead to higher conversion rates, making it a valuable tool for any business looking to optimize its lead funnels for better sales outcomes.

Sorting for Success: The Final Takeaway

Sorting lead funnels effectively is a strategic imperative that can dramatically improve the efficiency and outcomes of your sales and marketing efforts. By tailoring your approach to the specific characteristics and needs of different lead segments, you can enhance engagement, boost conversion rates, and, ultimately, drive more sales. 

Remember, the key to successful lead management lies in continuous optimization and adaptation based on performance metrics and feedback.

As you move forward, consider the advantages of partnering with platforms like Opensend to refine your email marketing and lead management strategies. Implement the insights and strategies discussed here to not only sort but succeed, ensuring your lead funnels are as effective as possible in driving your business forward.


40+ Lead Generation Statistics That Show the Power of Lead Gen | WebFX

Lead Funnel Definition | Gartner

Lead Funnel Tips (How to maximize your results) | Rocket Expansion

Highlights: Sales Funnel Statistics | Gitnux

“Thought it was too good to be true until we hit 20x ROI. We tried other services like Opensend but they didn't work for our clients. One of our clients is getting over 150 new leads a day and a 20x return on their investment with Opensend.”

Nehal Kazim
